What is the TerraCycle Program?

What is the TerraCycle Program?

What is TerraCycle?

They’re an innovative recycling company on a mission
 to eliminate the idea of waste. TerraCycle has helped 202 million people in 21 countries divert their waste from landfills around the world.

Who can use TerraCycle?

The short answer is anyone. The long answer is a bit more involved.

A number of brands and businesses have TerraCycle programs, which is great. The downside of this though is that a lot of big businesses have not done the work to provide easy access to the program or clear instructions on what to do. These companies tend to have long waitlists, too. All that said, TerraCycle is a fantastic, unique solution to reducing and eliminating waste. There is no other company like them, and their work is important. So even though not all brand programs are created equal, it’s all a part of getting to better. 

But that’s also why we make access to the program so easy at Hive. By opting in at check out, you can buy an envelope for just $2 to help offset the cost of hosting the program directly. We send you the envelope with your order and with clear instructions on how to send your waste to a better end of life. Every time you fill up an envelope, you can purchase a new one. 


Okay, so how does the Hive program work?

Like this:

  • Opt in or add to cart. When you see the TerraCycle logo on an item,
 that means some part of its packaging needs to be recycled through Hive’s TerraCycle program.
  • Fill your envelope with
 plastic and more plastic. Items that are eligible for the TerraCycle program are listed right on your envelope. But you can also find this information on the individual product pages and our recycling guidelines.
  • Seal it and send it. Once your mailer is full, seal it shut, and drop it in any USPS mailbox. 

What does TerraCycle do with all that trash?

You can learn all about the actual process on their site, but we like to remind people about what their plastic waste can become. Some common things TerraCycle makes with their repurposed plastic waste are park benches, picnic tables, and outdoor patio pieces. So when you finish that bag of chips, don’t forget to seal it up in your next envelope so it can stop being trash and start being something better. 

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